San Jacinto River Meeting On Next Steps In Superfund Cleanup

The San Jacinto River Coalition will meet August 29th to discuss remediation at the Waste Pits Superfund Site.  

We will discuss three particularly important topics:

  • For more than a year, final remediation plans for the Northern Pit have been stalled, but EPA managers just informed us they have news on that front. We’ll bring you the update on this crucial step. 

  •  When we talk to local residents one-on-one, we hear about loved ones lost, illnesses and cancer, especially cases striking the very young. We need to come together and push the state to update its study of cancer rates in the community. 

  • The cleanup at the Southern Pit is proceeding on schedule. We’ll talk about the next steps. 

Join us: 

August 29th, 6pm

San Jacinto Community Center 

604 Highland Woods Drive

Highlands, TX 77562


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