Wow! The Cypress Community Coalition Really Made A Difference

The turnout for Monday’s EPA meeting on the Jones Road Ground Water Plume Superfund Site was amazing! More than 120 local residents and elected officials attended the meeting to learn about the status of the remediation and to ask questions. The agency determined in the fall that its plan to protect people near the site was “not protective of human health.”

The link to the EPA’s presentation and a video of the meeting is posted below, but we want to share the two most important points:

  • The EPA says residents who are still relying on well water are at the greatest risk of exposure. There was some confusion at the meeting about the number of people affected by this. Based on EPA reports, we the agency has undercounted the number of residents within the EPA’s Superfund Site boundary line who are still using water wells.

  • The EPA paid for residents to connect to municipal water in 2008. Now they are offering to connect residents again at no cost. However, the agency says you must let them know by March 15th so they can start work this summer.

    Review the EPA presentation here.

Here is the video link to watch the meeting. We will send a link to the EPA’s PowerPoint presentation as soon as we receive it.


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